Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Attention nerds: Will Muschamp does not appreciate your Star Wars references

Attention nerds: Will Muschamp does not appreciate your Star Wars references

Press conferences are boring.

It's usually the same humdrum questions about the opponents, position battles, injuries and the meaning of the upcoming game. So when a reporter asked Florida coach Will Muschamp about his relationship with Nick Saban using a Star Wars reference, well, let's just say it livened up that press conference really quick.

"Excuse the Star Wars reference, but you kind of have a master vs. padawan thing going on between you and Nick (Saban)," the reporter asked.

"What's a padawan?" Muschamp replies

Here's the rest of the transcript:

Reporter: You've never seen Star Wars?

Muschamp: Haaa?

Reporter: You guys ...

Muschamp: I watched Star Wars I and after that I watched "The Empire Strikes Back" and I ain't seen nothing after that.

Reporter: Well, uh ...

Muschamp: I don't know what a padawan is. You didn't call me a bad name, did you? I don't speak French either.

Reporter: You guys have a kind of master vs. student kind of thing going on. Is there any sentiment in that? I'm sure you learned a lot from Nick Saban.

Muschamp: Sure

Reporter: Can you talk a little bit about the sentiment of what your mindset is ...

Muschamp: My mindset's to do a great job for the Univerisity of Florida on Saturday.

It's clear Muschamp wants it known that he's not a nerd. He's not hip to your Star Wars references and even though he admits he's seen two of the movies, he doesn't know your Star Wars lingo. While this reporter was watching Star Wars, Will Muschamp was playing football, beating up nerds who watched Star Wars and used Star Wars references and making out with cheerleaders under the bleachers.

So of course, he proceeds to make fun of the reporter and give a curt answer to the question.

Yoda has just one thing to say to coach Muschamp about his Star Wars ignorance: "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.

"Much to learn you still have my old padawan."

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