Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The squirrel taxidermy business is booming in St. Louis

The squirrel taxidermy business is booming in St. Louis

Well, even more so now that the St. Louis Cardinals are in the World Series.

Or at least that's what Rick of Rick's Custom Squirrels of Mitchell, Ill., tells Fox Sports.

According to the website, $155 will get you a custom mount of a St. Louis-helmet-wearing squirrel clutching your favorite beer bottle. Just the head and chest of a poor, unfortunate Rally Squirrel will run you around $125.

Is Rick as good as the famous Chuck Testa? Probably not, though he claims to have over 30 years of experience in the taxidermy field after just "picking it up one day."

How someone just "picks up" taxidermy "one day," I have no idea. But give Rick credit. If you need a dead squirrel wearing a beret and a mini-machine gun, it seems like he has the market cornered. As for the dead squirrels�that are Cardinals fans, I'm assuming it's only a matter of time until Bud Selig shuts him down and starts selling these on his own.

Here's Fox Sports' segment on Rick and the Rally Squirrels that didn't rally nearly enough:

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