Sunday, October 30, 2011

Derek Holland keeps house, mimics Washington, grows mustache

Derek Holland breathed a sigh of relief after pitching the game of his life Sunday night. Not only had he helped the Texas Rangers even the World Series with a special performance in a 4-0 victory against the St. Louis Cardinals, he reported that his family appreciated that he cleaned up his apartment for their stay in the Great Metroplex area.

Check out the "MTV Cribs"-style video jaunt over to La Casa de Holland, co-starring girlfriend Lauren and Holland's pet Boxer, named "Wrigley." (And lots of empty cups, beer bottles, Doritos bags ...):

So it's not just single sports writers who live that way! But wait. There's so much more. After the game, Holland sat down for a funny traditional interview with the MLB Network.

Actually, most of Holland's interviews are funny, because that's just how he is. (And he might just be driving the Rangers' limo to a championship.) On MLBN, hosts Brian Kenney and Harold Reynolds pointed the conversation toward Holland's interaction with manager Ron Washington as the Texas skipper came to remove him from Game 4 in the ninth inning. Holland's amusing impression of Washington is done with genuine affection:

"As soon as he came out, I gave him that stare and was, like: 'Don't you dare take me out of this game...'

"And he came out, and got out there and was, like, 'All right, son. Now, listen here: you ain't gonna go in that game no more. You gotta get out. You listen to that crowd right now, son ?�they're gonna give you the ovation you need.'

"I was, like, 'Wash, Wash, c'mon now, lemme go the distance!'

"He's like, 'Oh, no, son. You've done [enough]. Now you gettin' out of the game, now.' And he gave me that nice little Wash laugh with the mouth wide open ?�'Ha-ha!' ? you know?"

[Big BLS h/t: @CJZero for the video.]

As 'Duk pointed out, Holland also sounds a lot like Billy Bob from the Rock-a-Fire Explosion band of Showbiz Pizza fame. That's a place Holland probably would like. And Washington was right about the ovation at Rangers Ballpark for Holland. He appreciated it:

"Good Lord, that was amazing. The fans, they're unbelievable, and the way they just roared, I mean ... I don't have much arm hair to begin with but, man, it was sticking up for sure. I had that tingly feeling in my body. It felt amazing."

Speaking of hair, Kenney and Reynolds also delved into that thing on Holland's lip he refers to as a mustache. Guess how long it's taken him to grow it:

Derek Holland keeps house, mimics Washington, grows mustache

"Now, now. This mustache has got some hairs in here. We are approaching ? man ?� four months.

"It's the first time I've ever had anything like that; to do something, and the crowd gets into it. I mean, I had little kids wearing fake mustaches, I got women wearing mustaches. It's unbelievable. It's something cool.

"The only thing I'm jealous of is, their mustaches are better than mine."

Here's proof.

And what did the family say about Holland's housekeeping?

"I got the approval from them today. It was definitely clean, nothing laying around for them. The best part: My brother said the blow-up mattress was very comfortable. So we're good."

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