Wednesday, October 5, 2011

C-a-C: Bill Walton, Shaun White and Tony Hawk are ?The Three Chillmigos?

C-a-C: Bill Walton, Shaun White and Tony Hawk are ?The Three Chillmigos?

I'm telling you, this idea has legs. Bill Walton, Shaun White and Tony Hawk ? who we know are all at least familiar with one another, having seem them together in public at Hawk's recent "Stand Up for Skateparks" fundraiser in Beverly Hills ? are three pretty chill friends who spend a lot of time together.

Think about it, man! Walton talking about always feeling like a Z-Boy at heart, his belief that Earl Monroe could've been a brilliant street luger if given half a chance and how, without an underpinning of industriousness and poise, no man could ever complete a 720. White spouting the catchphrases (just spitballing here, but maybe, "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick"?), draws in the ladies and sells the advertisements. Hawk standing aloof off to the side, holding a skateboard so that you remember who he is.

Oh, and they, I don't know, solve mysteries or something, maybe?


C'mon, Blake. You won't even PITCH this at FoD? Weeeeeeeeeeeak (another potential catchphrase). Fine. Suit yourself, Mr. Big Shot Intern. You just lost out on the best million-dollar idea I've had since Krueger Slaw, a rebooted cole slaw that replaces mayonnaise with barbecue sauce and is endorsed by Robert Englund in full Freddy Krueger costume. Yeah, I said: I think this idea is Krueger Slaw Good. I guess we'll just see if another hilarious Web video company agrees.

Best caption wins a meeting with, if you play your cards right. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Whatever John Wall's doing sure is giving LeBron James a serious case of the giggles.

C-a-C: Bill Walton, Shaun White and Tony Hawk are ?The Three Chillmigos?Winner, The Nafi: John Wall: "Are my shoes that bad?"

Runner-up, Thanatos: "Hey LeBron, you see that '2K12' commercial where Drake says the Heat are going 73-9?"

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