Friday, November 25, 2011

All sorts of workers are hurting due to the lockout. Yes, including female escorts

All sorts of workers are hurting due to the lockout. Yes, including female escorts

(Remember last week, when the NBA Players Association decided to "counter" what it decided was definitely not a "take it or leave it" proposal from the owners by acting as if it was exactly like a "take it or leave it" proposal from the owners, deciding to decertify without asking the NBA to make a few simple concessions in exchange for a full player vote on the league's rather lousy offer? That was awesome.)

You are more than welcome to focus on the prostitute part of Darren Rovell's CNBC report about business revenue lost to the NBA lockout. How a guy named "Henry" is losing out on between $400 and $4,000 an hour ("depending on the woman," 'natch) because NBA players aren't coming through the New York Metropolitan area several times a week. Giggle away.

And then get serious, because this jerk lockout is costing all manner of North American workers from all walks of NBA-related labor millions of dollars. If not more. That's not including the players, who have signed off on losing at least a month and a half's worth of paychecks at this point while the owners try to "earn" a complete and full win over their labor force during this NBA-enforced lockout.

There are too many workers to name in Rovell's report, each of equal importance, so we'll just highlight some of the more distressing examples while encouraging you to read his exhaustive take on this exhausting situation.

There's the bar owner in Boston, who relays that a lost season will run all associated with his business around $300,000:

"This means slower debt repayments, less hiring, less savings to hold us through the slow summer months in this location," [owner Scott] Noguiera said. "That's also less salary for me, less tips for employees and less meals tax revenue for the city and state."

There's the team announcer who is out about a grand a game, unable to take on other work because the NBA seemed thisclose to getting it right and putting together a season-starting deal with its players a few weeks ago.

There's the radio studio host who is about to declare bankruptcy, the ball boy who probably doesn't really like the "how u" jokes or Dwyane Wade's pathetic posturing while he loses out on a needed $7.15 an hour, and the entire sales staff of the Houston Rockets -- which was laid off last summer.

Last summer, not last week. Put that last part in your pipe while considering whether or not these owners really wanted to bargain in good faith and save even a chunk of the would-be 2011-12 season.

Also, the escorts. Don't forget about the escorts. Sometimes they're only there to talk.

NBA Seattle Seahawks Josh Beckett Carmelo Anthonyy

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