Friday, February 17, 2012

Steven Jackson needed something before he left for Brazil

Steven Jackson is going to Brazil this week. Like any good world traveler, he got some motherly advice before he left, put an extra outfit in his carry-on luggage and fretted when he didn't have the most essential international traveling companion of all:

I'm pretty sure that tip is printed on the cover of every Frommer's travel guide.

Sure, he could have bought some down in Brazil, but with the language barrier and the�use the metric system, it could have led to some awkward moments.�Mock him all you want for his public prophylactic pronouncement. I, for one, appreciate that SJax is confident in his ability to pick up women in foreign lands and even more impressed that he has the foresight to prevent bringing home, or leaving behind, an unwanted souvenir.

Jackson tweeted that message late Tuesday night and quickly took it down. It was helpfully captured by John Hashem and posted on Larry Brown Sports. Consider it a public service announcement to all those crazy kids who go to Carnival without proper protection.

But perhaps the Rams running back�should have been more concerned with other things. As he tweeted early Wednesday, he missed his connecting flight and had to delay his trip to Brazil by a day.

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