Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The sweet sounds of baseball: MLB Network?s ?live game audio? is music to these ears

After a drab winter, the prospect of any televised baseball is enough to make anyone do an impromptu jig. (Confession: I did just that after typing the lede to this post.)

But after seeing what MLB Network plans to do with "live game audio" during a March 7 contest between the Cleveland Indians and Arizona Diamondbacks, we might have to double the dancing. The game will feature up to six players on each team wearing microphones and we'll be able to hear the sounds of the game as they happen. And lest you think I'm just acting like a thirsty man who is just steps away from a cool drink, check out this previously unaired test footage that MLB Network shot during a game last spring. It's pretty cool.

Richard Sandomir of the New York Times has more on the experiment, including news that the broadcast will be working on a 14-second delay. I have to admit that kills the buzz a bit.

Still, it's nice to see MLB focus on the special sounds of the sport after watching the NFL nail quarterback cadences and bone-crushing smashes for so long. The experience of watching these games at home is just going to keep getting better and better.

Spring training has started, so don't miss a beat ...
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