Saturday, February 18, 2012

Report: Several teams (and leagues) interested in Randy Moss

Just days ago, Randy Moss announced that he intends to come back to the NFL to "tear somebody's heads off." According to Jason La Confora of the NFL Network, several teams are interested in talking to Moss about his head-tearing-off ability.

Moss is a free agent right now, so he can start talking with any team at any time. Active players have to wait until March 13th to officially become free agents.

La Canfora says that if Moss can indeed run the 4.3 he claims (which I doubt very seriously), that there's a good chance he'll be on someone's roster before March 13, when everyone else hits the free-agent market ? including, possibly, Vincent Jackson, Stevie Johnson, Reggie Wayne, Brandon Lloyd, Marques Colston, Dwayne Bowe and more.

There's no word on who the interested teams might be. The usual suspects would be the Bears, Ravens and 49ers, though those certainly aren't the only WR-deficient teams in the league. We do know that it won't be the Vikings. Personally, I'm hoping the Broncos make that natural Tebow-to-Moss connection happen.

Also interested? The Chicago Slaughter. How could we forget the Chicago Slaughter?

The IFL's Slaughter, a rival of Terrell Owens' Allen Wranglers, have made Moss an offer. Steve "Mongo" McMichael, legendary Chicago Bear defensive tackle and current Slaughter head coach, is interested. Or at least pretending. Via ESPN:

"Seeing the splash that T.O. made going to the Allen, Texas, team, it would be a coup for us to get Randy.

"Guys who are workout fiends -- and Randy was, that's one of the reasons he was so good, they don't quit doing that. Their routine is they get up in the morning, brush their teeth and work out. So he's in shape.

"And it's only a 50-yard field, baby. It's not like he has to run all over creation. It's like playing halfcourt basketball."

This will not be happening. Moss says that, unlike Owens, he's not broke. If it turns out that he can't cut it in the NFL, he doesn't need the IFL. He also has his sights set pretty high. He said last night on UStream that he intends to score double-digit touchdowns in the league next year.

Orlando Magic Darrius Heyward-Bey Detroit Tigers Denver Broncos

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