Sunday, August 7, 2011

Who are the worst owners in baseball history?

Listicles are a big part of any blogosphere sector. Yet I can't remember ever seeing anyone attempt to rank the worst owners in baseball history until Zen College Life took a recent run at it.

It's a tough exercise, really. Devising a metric for bad ownership isn't as easy as it might be for other areas of the sport. How do you weigh bad trades against general neglect against an overall malaise. Throw in the regional factor ? it's a weird civic pride to boast that your local sports owners are the absolute worst ? and it seems an impossible task.

ZCL has former Boston Red Sox owner Harry Frazee (top left) as No. 1 on its list and that seems a good choice considering he sold/traded away Babe Ruth to finance his interest in theater. Fourth is current Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt. Two straight appearances in the NLCS couldn't buy him a less culpable spot, apparently.

Click on over to see the rest of their picks, but I'll point out that maybe your local jerk isn't on there. Charles Comiskey (second from right) didn't get a spot despite working conditions that led his Chicago White Sox to throw the 1919 World Series. Thankfully, current Florida Marlins head Jeffrey Loria (top right) is after robbing the Montreal Expos from Jonah Keri and then�swindling the residents of South Florida for a new ballpark.

Is your guy ? past or present ? on there? If not, should he be?

PGA Memphis Grizzlies Carolina Panthers San Francisco Giants Ray Allen

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