Monday, August 29, 2011

Deep Posts: Johnny Knox will keep football entertaining

? For the "touchbacks are ruining the game!" crowd, Johnny Knox has some good: He's taking kickoffs out of the end zone, even if they're 6 or 7 yards deep.

? There hasn't been any indication that Chris Johnson will ask the Titans to trade him, but just in case the situation does escalate that far, the Titans are on record as saying they won't do it.

? I don't have any particular love for the sports teams of Philadelphia, but yeah, this commercial for the Eagles season is pretty great.

? The Onion on the NFL's preseason: "Insane Moron Draws Conclusion From NFL Preseason Game". Warning: Naughty language directed at Mark Schlereth at that link.

? Rams blog Turf Show Times would really really like it if offensive coordinator Josh Daniels would run up the score on Todd Haley Friday night. Even if they don't, Todd Haley is probably going to imagine that they did anyway.

? tries to come up with a nickname for Andy Dalton, most of them based on his red hair. The other one is "Road House," because Patrick Swayze's character in "Road House" is, of course, named "Andy Dalton." That one seems like a clear winner to me.

? Kyle Orton had a baby. Well, not him, but his wife. Welcome, Olivia Taylor Orton.

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