Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nick Swisher is planning a honeymoon to ? Afghanistan?

We all know the old honeymoon standbys: There's the islands of Hawaii. The destinations in the Caribbean.�Italy, France and Spain, too.

But Afghanistan? I'm guessing the only honeymooning any Americans do there comes as a result of a deployment following the marriage of two members of the U.S. military. It's not on anyone's short list ? or long list, for that matter.

Well, except for New York Yankees outfielder Nick Swisher and his actress wife, JoAnna Garcia. After being married last December, the couple now say they plan to visit the troops in Afghanistan this winter as they finally take a honeymoon that was postponed because of their busy schedules.

From the New York Post:

Speaking to us at the Yankees Unite for Tornado Relief event at Southern Hospitality Hell's Kitchen, Swisher said, "Three military officers came to the Yankee locker room and asked if any of us would like to visit the troops. My hand went straight up, I said, 'I'm in.' I knew JoAnna would want to go. It will be our first trip since we got married.

"I come from a military family ... and no matter what your views are, these men and women are out there risking everything for us. I realize how fortunate I have been, so I like to give back at every opportunity I can." [...]

Excited Garcia also told us, "We are both really looking forward to visiting the troops. Yes, it isn't a traditional honeymoon, but it is something we both feel strongly about."

Garcia admitted that the couple will probably stop in Europe on their way back, but here's a message for the inevitable cynics out there: Who cares? There aren't many people who'd spend any part of their special time in Afghanistan so the Swisher-Garcias taking a good chunk of their precious downtime to support and visit with our military members ranks as a big win in my book.

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