Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why yes, Winnipeg is excited for the NHL, why do you ask?

Via Joe Nerf of Manitoba Myth Busters comes this large banner in downtown Winnipeg that celebrates the return of the NHL.

(Incidentally, did you know an anagram for "Thanks True North" is "Thrash Token Turn"? Neither did we.)

Normally, we might snark about jumping the gun or assuming too much or what have you, but this level of enthusiasm is impressive. And, frankly, we find it refreshing to see a Winnipeg banner that isn't engulfed in flames.

Meanwhile, the always dependable The Awl has 11 suggested names for the new NHL team in Winnipeg, complete with child-like drawings of sweaters. For example:

Winnipeg True North: This was my first and probably best idea. It's all down hill from here. The name of the people buying the Thrashers is True North. "True North" shows up in the Canadian National Anthem. Which is a great song, by the way. And everyone in the crowd at Winnipeg could shout "TRUE NORTH!!" when they came to that section of the song, like how people in Baltimore emphasize the O's in "The Star-Spangled Banner." And it just sounds cool. I think the magnetic poles are supposed to reverse in 2012, so I don't know if Canada will technically still be True North or if they'll actually be True South by then, but no one seems to notice that this is happening, so whatever.

Author Jim Behrle also likes The Canadian Unicorns. Which could really catch on, we think, with the right bedazzled jersey.

Stick-tap to prairiedaun on Twitter for the banner.

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