Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Create-a-Caption: Manny Acta is a man in the moment

Holy smokes, Stewies, has it been way too long since our last Create-a-Caption contest. As an apology, please accept this picture of Cleveland Indians manager Manny Acta taking a break from winning the AL Manager of the Year award to argue with umpire Rob Drake during Monday night's win over the Boston Red Sox.

So have at it, amateur Internet copy editors of the world. How should this caption read?

Click below for winners from our last C-a-C featuring a basketball-loving Sammy Sosa:�

Sammy Sosa feeling the Heat in Miami

1st ?�Tf1. "'You borrow a guy's blood and urine for one measly decade, and you're stuck buying him courtside tickets for life."

2nd ?�Joe Mama. "I've got to get the number of this guy's dermatologist."

3rd ?�Curt S. "Is this the guy in charge of casting for Scarface II? Between my new haircut and nearly unbuttoned shirt, I should be a shoo-in!"

HM ?�Fan. "I think I'm gonna get a nose like that."

Washington Redskins Tennessee Titans San Francisco Giants Baltimore Orioles Toronto Blue Jays

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