Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Videos: Udonis Haslem throws down twice on the Bulls

It took nearly half a year, but judging by the way Udonis Haslem sprung off it to finish this break and ruin Keith Bogans' evening during the Miami Heat's hard-fought 85-75 Game 2 win over the Chicago Bulls on Wednesday night, it looks like the ruptured ligament in Haslem's left foot has healed up quite nicely, indeed.

Then again, I'm not an expert in foot injuries, so maybe we should get a second opinion.�Hey, league MVP/respected podiatrist Derrick Rose: What do you think?

That clinches it. Two out of two Chicago Bulls can confirm that Udonis Haslem's left foot has healed up quite nicely. I'm sure all the Miami Heat fans out there are glad we double-checked.

International readers ("Int'l read'rs"): If the clips above aren't rocking for you, you can check out both of Haslem's slams elsewhere, thanks to our good friends at Get Banged On.

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