Friday, December 16, 2011

John Buck helps rescue two people after Florida car accident

John Buck helps rescue two people after Florida car accidentIf there's a complete opposite of the vehicle-related mishap that occurred to David Price over the weekend, John Buck may have experienced it.

Instead of shooing away a voiding vagrant, the Miami Marlins catcher helped pull two elderly women out of a crashed car and toward safety.

Joe Capozzi of the Palm Beach Post has the full tale, which began when Buck noticed a palm tree swaying a bit more than usual:

The tree was shaking after being hit by a car, an accident Buck happened upon perhaps one minute after it occurred.

"I pulled out of the entrance (of his neighborhood) and I saw this car upside down and smoking. I kind of saw a hand pulling at the window,'' he said.

"I looked at my wife and my wife's like, 'Go help! Just go!''

Buck ran to the overturned car and went to work with two other Good Samaritans.

Buck�and a bus driver who stopped to give assistance were able to help the car's driver crawl out of a window of the upside-down car. Buck and another man pulled the passenger out.

It should be noted that this was one good deed that actually went unpunished. As Capozzi reports, the entire episode was just part of a momentous weekend for Buck. In addition to his impressive Good Samaritan service, the 31-year-old vet bagged a giant buck (which is kind of weird, given his name) during a deer-hunting trip and learned he'll be handling Mark Buehrle in 2012 after the Marlins signed the pitcher to a four-year contract.

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