Friday, August 19, 2011

At Vanderbilt, even the head coach is getting more physical

A football practice can be a dangerous place for bystanders, even for coaches, who occasionally find themselves in the path of an out-of-control scrum or a pass route that's veered slightly off course. You can always "keep your head on a swivel," as they say, but first-year Vanderbilt head coach James Franklin seems to have decided the only way to really protect yourself among dozens of giant, padded gladiators moving at full speed is to take the fight to them:

Franklin participated as a quarterback during a full period of practice against his defense, something that is becoming a somewhat familiar sight.

After Franklin was intercepted by LB Archibald Barnes on a pass over the middle, the coach gave chase toward the front left pylon as Barnes attempted to return the pick for a score. Sophomore DB Andre Hal was shielding Barnes when Franklin ? not wearing any pads, mind you ? put two arms into Hal and sent him flying out of bounds. It was a priceless moment.

"I didn't know who it was (I hit)," Franklin said. "I was trying to find out who it was. It was fun. It was fun to get out there and compete with them and fly around and show them how competitive that we're all going to be in this program�? everyone."

Okay, so at 184 pounds, Andre Hal isn't such a giant. He is, however, expected to be a regular contributor at cornerback for the second year in a row, just one of the many possible reasons Franklin's pride in the moment must have been drowned out by the little voice in his head asking him, again, just what he got himself into in this job.

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Matt Hinton is on Facebook and Twitter: Follow him @DrSaturday.

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