Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Your Take Revealed: Was John L. Smith the right hire at Arkansas?

Your Take is a chance to start thoughtful, spirited, intelligent and nice conversation about some of the hotter topics in college football. Your Take Revealed is the consensus using your comments and your thoughts.

It's been nearly a week since Arkansas introduced John L. Smith as its interim coach for the 2012 season and last Wednesday I asked you, the fans, to weigh in on whether the hire was a good choice by athletic director Jeff Long.

Those who commented had mixed opinions on the move. Some believed it was a good short term move by the program while others weren't a big fan of the way Smith left his alma mater, Weber State, looking for a replacement with three months until fall camp.

"If I offer to pay you 7 times what you are currently making with an opportunity to do something you have dreamed of your whole life, you wouldn't take it?" Donald E. from Little Rock wrote. "Character matters but character doesn't put food on the table. He may have left Weber State, but they understand just like everyone else, if you get a better job offer: you take it."

However, some fans worried about the effect of an interim coach on recruiting, though I'm not sure that's a valid concern. Any recruit would be aware of the situation and encouraged that Arkansas is taking its time to get the best coach available instead of settling on someone this close to the season. Smith signed a 10-month deal. That's known. The other coaches will continue to recruit as they have before and they can tout Long's commitment to continuity.

And Smith is probably the team's best chance for continuity without upsetting the duties of the current coaching staff. Yes, Taver Johnson, Paul Haynes and Paul Petrino were mentioned as possible interims, but the Smith allows those coaches to concentrate on their current coaching duties and keep that flow.

"JL Smith is the best choice they could hope for at this late time," KP wrote. "If Ark goes 7-5 and the pig fans are angry, they should take out their anger on the former coach and the AD who hired him. If not Smith, then who???"

Of course, no one expects Arkansas to have a poor season with the talent it returns. If anything, Smith was hired to ensure Arkansas remains on track to be a contender for the SEC title and a possible BCS bowl berth. If it can stay on the course, then this interim season will be just a blip on the radar.

"At the least it will be an interesting and entertaining year," Scott K from New York wrote. "Continuity was priority number one for Jeff Long in 2012 and this will be as close as they can get to that if Smith sticks to his professed desire to let the coordinators work."

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