Sunday, June 5, 2011

Erik Spoelstra can’t let go. Of his old clothes, we mean

It's a good thing, most times, to be fastidious. It's a good thing to have a deep memory, an appreciation for the times and things that made you happiest, and it's probably often a good thing to want to create your own inimitable souvenirs.

But keeping your unwashed laundry from the night of your first NBA championship? Because that's more or less what Miami Heat coach Erik Spoelstra has done. I'll let you decide whether or not it's most fair or most foul.

From the Palm Beach Post's Heat Zone:

Erik Spoelstra has retained more than memories from the 2006 championship celebration in Dallas, to which he contributed as an assistant under Pat Riley.

"I've got quite a few things," Spoelstra said. "I still have the hat, I've got the t-shirt, with the original champagne, I never washed any of them."

And, if you peek at the walls in American Airlines Arena, you'll see photographic proof of just how drenched he was.

"I think Pat was dumping champagne on my head," Spoelstra said.

Not the most heinous version of hoarding we've ever seen, and Erik probably isn't off here, but I'm not sure I would be so forthcoming in mentioning this.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to attend to the small plot of grass that may or may not have come from the outfield of a Little League championship game from 1993. That thing isn't going to water itself.

New York Jets Oklahoma City Thunder Eli Manning Chicago Cubs Cleveland Browns

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