Friday, June 3, 2011

Derek Fisher totally knew the Lakers wouldn’t make the Finals

Yahoo! Sports' Marc J. Spears, in reference to Wednesday's negotiations between NBA owners and the NBA's player union:

NBA players Keyon Dooling, Roger Mason and Maurice Evans joined [players union director Billy] Hunter in representing the union during the talks. Union president and Los Angeles Lakers guard Derek Fisher didn't attend because of a previously scheduled family vacation.

Game 2 of the NBA Finals tips off on Thursday night, and Derek Fisher apparently had a "previously scheduled" holiday set for this time. Just when, in the wake of the team's season-ending loss to Dallas a month ago, did he plan this trip? Did he know something about Jose Juan Barea, months ago, that we did not?

(And, on a serious note, the most important collective bargaining agreement negotiations have always taken place during the week of the NBA Finals, and most schools aren't even out yet. Come on, Derek. You're charged with leading this outfit. Stay in town, vacation in July. And take me with you. This year has been rough.)

Paul Pierce Ales Rodriquez Ray Allen David Ortiz Kansas City Royals

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