Friday, June 10, 2011

C-a-C: The poster for JaVale McGee’s buddy cop flick looks great

You already know that Pierre is a smooth operator in search of a girl who will swallow change for him. But did you know that he's also a hard-driving, butt-kicking detective? Well, he is, and he's hell-bent on cracking the big case wide open ? even if it means traveling halfway across the world and enlisting the help of one of Chengdu's Finest.

OK, so it's basically just a reboot of "Rush Hour." But don't sit there and tell me you wouldn't see JaVale McGee in "Rush Hour." I don't believe you, Truffaut.

Best caption wins important information on why no one should swallow coins, and especially not children. Good luck.

In our last adventure: Coming soon to 3D and IMAX: "J.J. Barea and the Biggest Brain Freeze of All Time."

Winner, Kamaliel23: "�Por qu�? �Por qu�? �Cuantas veces m�s voy a fallar?"

NOTE: Always appreciate the effort of using Google Translate to find out how to say "Why? Why? How many times will I fail?" in another language. Well done, Kamaliel23.

Runner-up, Russell S: J.J. Barea falls into despair after realizing that you can't spell "DALLAS" without two L's.

Second runner-up, Brianm: "This was you five minutes ago, Chris Bosh. Stop acting tough."

Minnesota Timberwolves Chicago Bears Carolina Panthers Washington Nationals Terrell Suggs

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