Sunday, April 15, 2012

He don?t got it: Nyjer Morgan loses sight of fly ball

Chicago Cubs broadcaster Bob Brenly made the correct joke in the fifth inning Monday night: Not even Tony Plush could help Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Nyjer Morgan track down this fly ball once he lost it in the twilight sky at Wrigley Field:

It's hard to remember that Plush is just an alter-ego; the Brewers don't really play with four outfielders when Morgan's name is in the lineup. At least left fielder Ryan Braun was backing up (pretty much) and limited the damage to a triple for Geovany Soto. Thankfully for Morgan, it's only an error in our memories. Not so thankfully for Shaun Marcum's ERA.

Question: Though his body language clearly showed he had no idea what happened to the ball, it didn't appear that Morgan was shouting to tell his teammates it was lost. Is that because saying anything is tantamount to "I got it!" What about a good, ol' "Hellllllllllllllllllp!"?

Soto came around to score the tying run, but the Brewers won 7-5. Besides, all is forgiven because Nyjer loves cats!

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