Monday, May 16, 2011

So Google is spying on Oklahoma practices now, too?

Google Maps* is an endlessly useful tool: It gives you precise directions to anywhere on earth, it wastes your valuable time at work, it finally convinces you that, yes, it really is time to do something about that drooping tree outside the kitchen window. As an Oklahoma staffer cruising a satellite view of campus discovered this week, it may also have a practical purpose for conniving coaches: A bird's-eye view of rivals' practices.

The above shot (posted Thursday on Oklahoma's official Facebook page) was snapped during a Sooner practice, presumably this spring, and still shows up as the default image for those coordinates when you zoom in tight on Gaylord Memorial Stadium, just out of view to the Northeast. We already knew Texas was exerting surprising influence over ESPN; have the 'Horns quietly infiltrated the Big G, too? Man, those guys are everywhere.

Now, I'm no crusader for privacy: Using invasive Street View technology to secretly gather e-mail, computer passwords and other information from private Wi-Fi networks is one thing. But when you start eavesdropping on the personnel groupings when the offense goes Open West Slot 'U' Short, that's when you've really crossed the line.

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*While clearly inferior in every way to the wonderful Yahoo! Maps, which keeps a respectful distance at all times. Yahoo! Maps: For When You Need To Know, But Don't Need To Know

Hat tip: Kegs 'n Eggs.
Matt Hinton is on Twitter: Follow him @DrSaturday.

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